Nikhil Tripathi

(Member: IEEE, IEEE ComSoc, ACM)

Assistant Professor (Grade-I), CSE Department
IIT (ISM) Dhanbad
Dhanbad, JH, India-826 004
nikhiltripathi [at] iitism [dot] ac [dot] in
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I am currently working as an Assistant Professor at IIT (ISM) Dhanbad. Prior to joining academia, I was working as a postdoctoral security researcher at Fraunhofer SIT in close collaboration with TU Darmstadt, Germany. I earned the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT Indore, India, in 2019.

My broad areas of interest are Internet Security, System Security, Computer Networks, and Intelligent Transportation Systems. In particular, I work on:

- Vulnerability Assessment of Application Layer Protocols

- Next generation DoS/DDoS attacks

- Next-gen Internet Architectures

- Devising Real-time Cyber Threat Mitigation Strategies

I am looking for motivated students willing to pursue research in the cybersecurity domain. Interested candidates may send me their CVs.


Feb 2025: A paper titled "ProxaDyn: A Proximity-aware Dynamic Caching Approach for Named Data Networks" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.

Nov 2024: A paper titled "A Statistical Anomaly Detection Approach to Detect Induced Interest Flooding Attacks in NDN" has been accepted at Cyber Security and Privacy workshop being held along with the 17th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS) 2025.

Nov 2024: A paper titled "Leveraging Benford’s Law for Effective Intrusion Detection in MQTT-IoT Networks" has been accepted at the 17th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS) 2025.

Sep 2024: A paper titled "Detecting Interest Flooding Attacks in NDN: A Probability-based Event-driven Approach" has been accepted in Computers & Security, Elsevier.

Nov 2023: A paper titled "An Efficient Content Retrieval and Content Placement Approach for Named Data Networks" has been accepted at the 38th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) 2024.

Oct 2023: Registration open for CyberTEA. Kindly visit the website for more details.

Oct 2023: A paper titled "GPS Spoofing and Detection in Ardupilot Simulating UAVs" has been accepted at 21st IEEE OCIT 2023.

May 2023: A paper titled "Delays have Dangerous Ends: Slow HTTP/2 DoS attacks into the Wild and their Real-Time Detection using Event Sequence Analysis" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. (Solo Author)

Aug 2022: I have been invited to a panel discussion at 14th Best Practices Meet (BPM) 2022 organized by Data Security Council of India (DSCI).

Jan 2022: I have been awarded COMSNETS 2022 Travel Grant.

Dec 2021: A paper titled "Defer No Time, Delays have Dangerous Ends: Slow HTTP/2 DoS Attacks into the Wild" has been accepted for publication in COMSNETS 2022.

Sep 2021: I joined IIIT Sri City as an Assistant Professor.

Apr 2021: Back to India and switched to academics. I joined SOA University Bhubaneswar as an Assistant Professor.

Jan 2021: A paper titled "Application Layer Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks and Defense Mechanisms: A Survey" has been accepted for publication in ACM Computing Surveys, ACM.

Dec 2020: I am delivering a talk on one of my research works at AICTE sponsored short term course on "Recent Advances in Network Security and Blockchain Technology" to be held at IIT Indore.

Nov 2020: A paper titled "Preventing Time Synchronization in NTP Broadcast Mode" has been accepted for publication in Computers & Security, Elsevier.

Aug 2020: I am serving as one of the Program Committee members of CANS 2020

May 2020: One of the vulnerability disclosed by me has been assigned CVE-2018-8956 by MITRE Corporation, USA. More details here

March 2019: I joined Fraunhofer SIT (TU Darmstadt)

Feb 2019: A paper titled "Cloud Security Service Level Agreements: Representation and Measurement" is accepted for publication in 38th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2019

Jan 2019: I successfully defended my Ph.D. Thesis.



[1] CVE-2018-8956 for a vulnerability in the NTP protocol. More details here.

Journal Articles

[9] Matta Krishna Kumari, Nikhil Tripathi, Piyush Joshi, "ProxaDyn: A Proximity-aware Dynamic Caching Approach for Named Data Networks", IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (Accepted 2025).

[8] Matta Krishna Kumari, Nikhil Tripathi, "Detecting Interest Flooding Attacks in NDN: A Probability-based Event-driven Approach", Computers & Security, Elsevier (Accepted 2024).

[7] Nikhil Tripathi, "Delays have Dangerous Ends: Slow HTTP/2 DoS attacks into the Wild and their Real-Time Detection using Event Sequence Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE (Accepted 2023).

[6] Nikhil Tripathi, Neminath Hubballi, "Application Layer Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks and Defense Mechanisms: A Survey", ACM Computing Surveys, ACM (Accepted 2021).

[5] Nikhil Tripathi, Neminath Hubballi, "Preventing Time Synchronization in NTP Broadcast Mode", Computers & Security, Elsevier (Accepted 2021).

[4] Nikhil Tripathi, Neminath Hubballi, "Detecting Stealth DHCP Starvation Attack using Machine Learning Approach", Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, Springer, 14(3), 2018, Pages 233-244.

[3] Nikhil Tripathi, Neminath Hubballi, "Slow Rate Denial of Service Attacks Against HTTP/2 and Detection", Computers & Security, Elsevier, Vol 72, 2018, Pages 255-272.

[2] Neminath Hubballi, Nikhil Tripathi, "An Event based Technique for Detecting Spoofed IP Packets", Journal of Information Security and Applications, Elsevier, Vol 35, 2017, Pages 32-43.

[1] Neminath Hubballi, Nikhil Tripathi, "A Closer Look into DHCP Starvation Attacks in Wireless Networks", Computers & Security, Elsevier, Vol 65, 2017, Pages 387-404.

Conference Papers (Selected)

[8] Chirag Dhiwar, Matta Krishna Kumari, Nikhil Tripathi, Piyush Joshi, "A Statistical Anomaly Detection Approach to Detect Induced Interest Flooding Attacks in NDN", CSP Workshop at 17th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), 2025 (Accepted)

[7] Matta Krishna Kumari, Nikhil Tripathi "An Efficient Content Retrieval and Content Placement Approach for Named Data Networks", 38th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), 2024 (Accepted)

[6] Nikhil Tripathi, Abhijith Kalayil Shaji, "Defer No Time, Delays have Dangerous Ends: Slow HTTP/2 DoS Attacks into the Wild", 14th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), 2022 (Accepted)

[5] Neminath Hubballi, Amey Kiran Patel, Amit Kumar Meena, Nikhil Tripathi, "Cloud Security Service Level Agreements: Representation and Measurement", 38th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2019 (Accepted)

[4] Nikhil Tripathi, Mayank Swarnkar, Neminath Hubballi, "DNS Spoofing in Local Networks Made Easy", 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommuncations Systems (ANTS), 2017, pp. 1-6.

[3] Nikhil Tripathi, Neminath Hubballi, "A Probabilistic Anomaly Detection Scheme to Detect DHCP Starvation Attack", 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommuncations Systems (ANTS), 2016, pp. 1-6.

[2] Nikhil Tripathi, Neminath Hubballi, Yogendra Singh, "How Secure are Web Servers? An Empirical Study of Slow HTTP DoS Attacks and Detection", 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), 2016, pp. 454-463.

[1] Nikhil Tripathi, Neminath Hubballi, "Exploiting DHCP Server-side IP Address Conflict Detection: A DHCP Starvation Attack", 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommuncations Systems (ANTS), 2015, pp. 1-3. (Honourable Mention with a prize of 100Euros).

Sponsored Research

Research Group

Ph.D. candidates

Ms. Krishna Kumari (Full-time) (Co-Supervision at IIIT Sri City)

Oct 2022 - Ongoing

UG Honors student

Mr. Chirag Dhiwar

August 2023 - December 2024

UG BTP students

2025 Winter semester: 8 students involved into 2 different projects related to attack surface measurement of MQTT and AMQP, and anomaly detection in encrypted traffic

2024: 12 students involved into 4 different projects related to Campus Placement Automation, NDN Security, IoT Security, and VAPT.

2023: 9 students involved into 3 different projects related to NDN Security, IoT Security, and Security for resource constraint devices.

2022: 9 students involved into 3 different projects related to cyber security and sentiment analysis.

Work Experience

Dec. 2024 - present, Assistant Professor (Grade-I) at IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India

Apr. 2023 - Dec 2024, Assistant Professor (Grade-I) at IIIT Sri City, Chittoor, India

Sept. 2021 - Mar 2023, Assistant Professor (Grade-II) at IIIT Sri City, Chittoor, India

April 2021 - Aug. 2021, Assistant Professor at SOA University, Bhubaneswar, India

March 2019 - Feb. 2021, Security Researcher at Technical University of Darmstadt (in collaboration with Fraunhofer SIT), Darmstadt, Germany

June 2018 - Jan. 2019, Research Assistant at IIT Indore, India

July 2014 - May. 2016, Teaching Assistant at IIT Indore, India

June 2013 - June. 2014, Research Intern in Center for Information Assurance and Management (CIAM), Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology, Hyderabad, India


Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology Indore, July 2014-Jan 2019.
Advisor: Dr. Neminath Hubballi

M.Tech., University of Hyderabad, July 2012-June 2014.
Advisor: Prof. B M Mehtre

B.Tech., Dr. K N Modi Institute of Engg. and Tech. (UPTU), August 2008-June 2012.
Advisor: Dr. Saurabh Bhardwaj


Spring 2023: Computer Networks [CSE & ECE (Institute Core), UG2].
Student Strength: 81
Spring 2023: Data Structures and Algorithms (3 modules) [CSE & ECE (Institute Core), UG1].
Student Strength: 55
Spring 2023: Web Services and Backend Development - SOAP Implementation (1 module) [CSE (Program Core), UG3].
Student Strength: 75

Previous Teaching Assignments

Monsoon 2022: Computer Programming [CSE & ECE (Institute Core), UG1].
Student Strength: 55
Monsoon 2022: Introduction to Cyber Security [CSE (Program Elective), UG3].
Student Strength: 76
Spring 2022: Software Security [CSE (Specialization Elective), UG4].
Student Strength (restricted): 8

Spring 2022: Computer Networks [CSE & ECE, UG2].
Student Strength: 98
Autumn 2021: Object Oriented Programming [CSE, UG2]
Spring 2021: Web Development [CSE, UG4]

Professional/Administrative Services

Co-chair Placements, IIIT Sri City (July 2022 - present)

Mens' Hostel Warden, IIIT Sri City (January 2022 - present)

TPC member of CVMI 2022, ICETCI 2022, CANS 2020, ANTS 2018, SMC 2018

Reviewer of Computers & Security, IET Information Security, IET Networks, etc.

Deliverted invited talks on my research works at Fraunhofer SIT, Germany and IIT Indore, India in September 2018 and December 2020 respectively.

Other Than Work

I enjoy playing guitar and love everything about music. I am fond of listening music genres like sufi, rajasthani folk and sentimental ballads.

I have a keen interest in traveling and exploring local culture of different places.

Whenever I feel blank, I choose to ride my Dominar 400.

I enjoy watching modern history documentaries and reading about how the world map evolved after the wars.

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